Think Tank
What is a Think tank,
methodologies and Good
What is a Think Tank?

Destiny With Liberty Foundation – This innovative, multidisciplinary think tank is ready to engage in a free, open, and tolerant discussion on the major political issues of our time. Destiny With Liberty is staffed by renowned academics as well as people with a background serving in politics, the military, or the business community – all of us with a strong humanistic worldview and a relentless drive to defend the values of Western Civilization.
After the tragic failure of Communism and the successive crises generated by the endless expansion of socialist policies (with all their costly excesses and irresponsible management of public affairs), the enemies of the values of Western Civilization have been questioning again the fundamental principles on which our free and (truly) open societies were built. These current attacks on our free societies are much more complex to deal with than they used to be in the old (and death-devouring) Soviet-style communist days: these new enemies of free and democratic societies do not reveal their desire to dismantle the rule of law, the fundamental moral and political values of our societies; on the contrary, these new «communists in disguise» pretend to follow constitutional rules in order to control the apparatus of power and ultimately subvert democratic regimes from within.
The great divide of our day is not just democracies versus totalitarian regimes: we have learned in recent years that free democracies can be transformed into «totalitarian democracies» where popular will and civic virtue are replaced by the «will of special interests» (of many kinds) and civic repression.
It is a fact that humanity has made many political advances in the last century: human dignity has been recognized for all people, regardless of their color, race, origin, gender or sexual orientation; many new forms of political intervention have become available, promoting free and global debate on issues that matter to us all; the world has become closer than ever, allowing for new forms of cooperation to meet common challenges. Our political culture is based on the values and the civilizational fabric that we have inherited from Athens, Rome and Jerusalem and then enriched by Christianity. Only in our political culture were the ideals of freedom and equality largely embraced: Judeo-Christian values are the pillar that underpins our political and individual freedoms. However, some new radical political forces wish to drastically change our free and democratic political culture by using old formulas that have proven wrong every time they have been put into practice. We are witnessing firsthand the rise of totalitarian global actors and radical national groups that seek to undermine the foundations of constitutional democracy and a world order based on mutual respect and cooperation among free societies.
We believe that universities, research centers, and libraries are the sacred temples of free speech, freedom of expression, and academic independence from any power, where truth is sought without reverence to any government, political party, media, or business interests. This is precisely why DESTINY WITH FREEDOM is born, to be a historical research center to defend Judeo-Christian political culture, laying the stones to promote innovation, freedom, and individual dignity in the current historical struggle against Communism. It is time for the free world to recognize the growing threat of the Chinese Communist Party, a far more lethal enemy than the Soviet Union used to be for most of the second half of the last century. The Chinese Communist Party has learned from the evil empires of the Soviet Union and the Nazi regime, their terror practices, and their mistakes: President Xi Jinping’s strategy of “Unrestricted Warfare” is the most existential danger Humanity has ever faced. The Chinese Communist Party’s imperialist project aims to replace Western political conventions, Western political identity, with a new order that mimics the Chinese Communist Party’s own political organization.
FUNDACIÓN DESTINO CON LIBERTAD is the safe harbor for all who are committed to defending the preservation of the fundamental principles of our political culture: free will, the popular will, human dignity, freedom of religion, patriotism, the free market, private property, the rule of law, and the limitation of government power.
FUNDACIÓN DESTINO CON LIBERTAD recognizes the hardship of the task before us; however, remaining silent while watching the destruction of the free world is not an option. Preserving our liberty and our individual liberties so that we can pass the torch of freedom to future generations is worthy enough not to give in to the new empire of evil. We could not refuse to accept the historic challenge of contributing to deter and defeat the new radical political empires that are rising right before our eyes.
As President Ronald Reagan said, quoting Winston Churchill: «Man’s destiny is not measured by material calculations. When great forces are at work in the world, we learn that we are spirits, not animals. (…) There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, that, whether we like it or not, means duty. You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, man’s last best hope on earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.»
This is, therefore, our Appointment with Destiny. Our Destiny with Freedom, as God intends. It is time for all the brave free men and women of the world to declare that it will be heard everywhere that the West will never be broken. As President Donald J. Trump said, in his Warsaw speech, “Our values will prevail, our people will prosper, and our civilization will triumph.” (2)
«You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet that it can be bought at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did it all begin, in the face of this enemy alone? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the Pharaohs? Should Christ have rejected the cross? Should the patriots on the Pont de la Concorde have thrown down their weapons and refused to fire the shot heard around the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis did not die in vain.
So where is the path to peace? Well, it’s a simple answer after all. There is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which you must not proceed. President Ronald Reagan, 1964, «A Time to Choose» speech
(2) The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it? We can have the largest economies and the most lethal weapons anywhere on Earth, but if we do not have strong families and strong values, then we will be weak and we will not survive.
Just as Poland could not be broken, today I declare for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail, our people will prosper, and our civilization will triumph. (…) So together let us all fight as Poles, for family, for freedom, for country, and for God. Thank you. God bless you, God bless the Polish people, God bless our allies, and God bless the United States of America.»
President Donald J. Trump, Warsaw Speech, 2017, 07.06
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